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Feuillet 2

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1998, S2.Z8.1, lampe.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 1998, S2.AA12.1, lampe byzantine ou omeyyade.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1999, S2.DD12, lampe avec inscription.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1999, S2.KK1, lampe.
Diapositives 05-07. Dharih 1996, S2. T sud 03.36, lampe (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1998, S2.H109.1, moule à lampe.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1993, S2.I23, lampe tournée rouge byzantine ou omeyyade.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1993, S2.L29.2, lampe tardo-antique.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 2001, S6.E100.1, lampe à rayons provenant d’une canalisation.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1999, S7.C04.1, lampe.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 2001, S7.F51.1-2-3, lampes locales à bulles.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21, lampe sigillée.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 2001, S7.OXø5.1., lampe.
Diapositives 16-17. Dharih 2004, S10.D108.1, lampe mamelouke ou ottomane.
Diapositives 18-19. Dharih 2004, S10.D108.2, lampe omeyyade.

Feuillet 3

Diapositives 01-02. Dharih 1996, V2.I003, lampe IVe s. (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).
Diapositives 03-05. Dharih 1996, V2.I006, lampe IVe s. (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).
Diapositives 06-08. Dharih 1996, V2.4.003.4, lampe IVe s. (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A27.D1, lampes, Ifapo.FV.82.13.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, après restauration, Ifapo.FV.78.4.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 1991, V10, une des deux lampes zoomorphes.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, avant restauration, Ifapo.FV.75.1.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, après restauration, Ifapo.FV.78.3.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, avant restauration, Ifapo.FV.75.2.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, après restauration, Ifapo.FV.78.5.
Diapositive 16. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.D2, après restauration, Ifapo.FV.78.6.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 1987, V10.B103, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.14.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 1987, V10.B112.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.12.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1987, V10.B112.2, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.13.

Feuillet 6

Diapositives 01-03. Dharih 1998, S3.M114.4, jarre restaurée.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1998, S3.M117.6, flacon.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 1999, S3.L114.1, gourde.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1998, S5.E101.4, tesson african red slip.
Diapositives 07-08. Dharih 1999, S6.E11, assiette ARS hayes 50 dessous.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1999, S6.F4.1, fragment céramique.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1999, S6.F4.1, fragment céramique.
Diapositives 11-13, Dharih 2001, S7.ORø4.5.1, raté de cuisson.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 2001, S7.OVø5.5, tessons vernissés.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 2001, S7.ORø5.4.1, col de vase zoomorphe.
Diapositive 16. Dharih 1999, S7.C04.10, assiette nabatéenne.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 1999, S7.C04.11.
Diapositives 18-20, Dharih 2001, S7C05.01, pot peint nabatéen.

Feuillet 7

Diapositive 01. Dharih 2001, S7.D42.1, cruches à fossettes.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 2001, S7.F06, bougeoir.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 2001, S7.F51, bord guilloché de casserole, anse torsadée.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 2001, S7.F55.1, moule à fond de lampe.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 2004, S7.L6.1, marmite rouge, haut du vase.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 2004, S7.L6.1, marmite rouge, 2 anses, orifice verseur.
Diapositive 07. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.2, assiette peinture rouge dessous.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.2, assiette peinture rouge dessus.
Diapositives 09-10. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.1, petites assiettes déformées.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.4, gobelet.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.7, support de cuisson.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.16, fragment de cruche.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.17, cruche.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.18, bouteille grise.
Diapositives 16-17. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.19, grande jatte brune.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.20, bord de jatte à bulles.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.21, tuyau.
Diapositive 20. Dharih 2001, S7.OWø4.21.22, bord de plat déformé.

Feuillet 11

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1987, V10.B102, cruchette, Ifapo.FV.75.21.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.B112-A7.114-A7.13-B103, assiette non peinte, Ifapo.FV.82.6.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A24.5, col de marmite et marmite, Ifapo.FV.82.22.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A44, col de marmite et marmite, Ifapo.FV.82.21.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 1985+ et 1987, V10.A24-27.8, marmite, Ifapo.FV.82.24.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A39.10-A7.33-A7.6-A24.11, flacons, Ifapo.FV.82.1.
Diapositive 07. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.B102.3-B112-A39.8, pâtes fines orangées, Ifapo.FV.82.3.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A39, col d'amphore, Ifapo.FV.82.86.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.B103, marmite, Ifapo.FV.82.29.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7-A7.9-A39.9, bols, Ifapo.FV.82.15.
Diapositive 11 Dharih 1987, V10.B103, petit pot, Ifapo.FV.75.20.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1993, V12-couche 64, tesson niveau du fer.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 1987, butte Sud, céramique bol à fond plat, BSE couche 2, Ifapo.FV.74.34.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1987, butte Sud, céramique, BSE couche 11, Ifapo.FV.74.36.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 1987, butte Sud, céramique, Ifapo.FV.74.33.
Diapositive 16. Dharih 1987, butte Sud, bol noir, BSE couche 2, Ifapo.FV.74.32.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 1986, dégagement du tombeau 1, tesson inscrit, DH86-C1.

Feuillet 2

Diapositives 01-02. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription peinte encroutée.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque peinte de l'abside.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription peinte.
Diapositives 05-06. Dharih, 1996, temple, S4, inscription peinte, détails.
Diapositive 07. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque de l'abside.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription peinte, arc de l'abside.
Diapositives 09-10. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque peinte nettoyée.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque de l'abside, après nettoyage.
Diapositives 12-15. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque de l'abside.
Diapositives 16-18. Dharih, 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque peinte.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1996, temple, S4, inscription peinte, croix pattée.
Diapositive 20. Dharih, 1996, temple, S4, inscription grecque peinte.


Diapositives 01-02. Dharih 1992, V1, Autel 8.243. .
Diapositives 03-04. Dharih 1996, V1, bétyle 8.242.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 1987, bloc DH87 sur 1 trouvé en ?, Ifapo.FV.71.35.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1998, S2.BB20.D2, fragment petit autel marbre, face.
Diapositives 07-09. Dharih 1998, S2.CC.9.148, statuette marbre.
Diapositives 10-11. Dharih 2004, S10D, bloc 12.204, table offrande.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 2001, xxxD1, reliquaire en marbre (provenance : remblais de la rampe est) vu de dessus.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 2001, xxxD1, reliquaire en marbre (provenance : remblais de la rampe est) vu de côté.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1985, S3.F.P8, bloc à rainures, Ifpo-FV-71-34.

Feuillet 4

Diapositive 01. Dharih 2004, bol A8.8.11.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 2004, jarre BA secteur A9, restaurée, A9.16.1.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1992-1993, S1.B45.2 + S1 D122.1, gourde pâte claire.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1999, S1.G.005.8, pot ottoman.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 1999, S1.G.005.1, bol.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1999, S1.H17.1, marmitte.
Diapositives 07-08. Dharih 1999, S1.H17.2, fragment d’assiette nabatéenne.
Diapositives 09-10. Dharih 1999, S2.ii17.1+18.4, bol inscription arabe.
Diapositives 11-13. Dharih 1998, S2.x.2PL, fragment de casserole en stéatite.
Diapositives 14-16. Dharih 2001, S2.G110.1, cruche.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 2001, S2.G110.2, bol.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 1998, S2.H106.1, assiette nabatéenne non décorée.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1998, S2.H106.1, assiette nabatéenne non peinte.
Diapositive 20. Dharih 1998, S2.H107.1, échantillons de céramique.

Feuillet 10

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A44, bol nabatéen peint et autre fond, Ifapo.FV.82.10.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7.8-V10.17-A27-A34-B112-113, assiettes, bol, Ifapo.FV.82.14.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A39, gobelet peint, Ifapo.FV.82.11.
Diapositive 04. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A24-27.8, marmite, Ifapo.FV.82.23.
Diapositive 05. Dharih 1987, V10.B103, autre marmite, Ifapo.FV.75.24.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1987, V10.B103, marmite, Ifapo.FV.75.22.
Diapositive 07. Dharih 1987, V10.A39, filtres de gargoulette, Ifapo.FV.75.26.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1987, V10.B102, assiette, Ifapo.FV.75.19.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A6-A7-A9-A23, gourde, Ifapo.FV.82.28.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A24-A27, Fragments d’amphore, Ifapo.FV.82.27.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7.27, assiette, Ifapo.FV.82.7.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A6.7.9-16, B112, bols, Ifapo.FV.82.17.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7-A7.4-B102.1, bols, Ifapo.FV.82.16.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7.2-A40-A39.12-B102.1, cruches à fond bombé, Ifapo.FV.82.19.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7-A6.1-B102.1, pichets, Ifapo.FV.82.20.
Diapositive 16. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A40, Fragment de bol, Ifapo.FV.82.18.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 1987, V1.A24.1, pot, Ifapo.FV.75.18.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 1990, V1.A7.2, cruche, Ifapo.FV.83.7.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1990, V10.A39, filtres de gargoulette, Ifapo.FV.75.25.
Diapositive 20. Dharih 1990, V1.A7.1, marmitte, Ifapo.FV.83.5.

Exposition à l'Université du Yarmouk (Irbid, Jordanie)

Diapositive 01. Vitrine aux stucs.
Diapositive 02. Stucs.
Diapositive 03. Vitrine céramiques.
Diapositive 04. Fronton.
Diapositives 05-06. Salle aux stucs.
Diapositive 07. Vitrine Motab-Nefesh.
Diapositive 08. Fronton.
Diapositive 09. Coin aux jarres.
Diapositive 10. Stucs.
Diapositive 11. Vitrine byzantin.
Diapositive 12. Méduse, fronton, frise au zodiaque.
Diapositive 13. Fermoir argent de bracelet, DH84 C1 II 3.5.
Diapositive 14. Fermoir argent de bracelet_DH88 C1 III 1.D1.
Diapositive 15. Frise au zodiaque.
Diapositives 16-17. Lampe AE de la FR, DHA.
Diapositive 18. Lampe DH96 S2 U05.1, inscription grecque.

Feuillet 4

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1985 et 1987, V10.A7.11-A39.1-A44.2-A27.1-B112.1-B103.1-A24.3, lampes, Ifapo.FV.82.12.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 1987, V10.A7.11-A44.10, lampes zoomorphes, exposition 2000.
Diapositives 03-05. Dharih 1991-1997, V10, lampe zoomorphe.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1987, V10.A24.3, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.6.
Diapositive 07. Dharih 1987, V10.A27.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.4.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1987, V10.A27, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.5.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1987, V10.A39.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.11.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1987, V10.A39.2, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.16.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 1987, V10.A39.3, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.17.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1987, V10.A39.4, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.15.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.09.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.10.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 1987, V10.A40.1, lampe, Ifapo.FV.75.7.
Diapositive 16. Dharih 1987, V10.A44.10, lampe zoomorphe, exposition 2000.
Diapositive 17. Dharih 1987, butte Sud, lampe Age du fer, BSC couche 2.1, Ifapo.FV.74.30.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 1987, fondation rectangulaire, carré A, pièce 1, couche 3, dessus de lampe, Ifapo.FV.70.7.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1987, fondation rectangulaire, carré A, pièce 1, couche 3, dessus de lampe, Ifapo.FV.70.8.

Feuillet 3

Diapositives 01-05. Dharih 1984, C1.II.5.M3, 112 ap. JC.
Diapositive 06. Dharih 1984, C1.II.5.M4, drachme Trajan, Ifapo.FV.58.37.
Diapositives 07-10. Dharih 1984, C1.II.5.M4, 112-114 ap. JC. .
Diapositives 11-12, Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M1, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 13-14. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M2, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositive 15. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M3, 351-354 ap. JC.
Diapositives 16-20. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M4, 351-354 ap. JC.

Feuillet 4

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M4, 351-354 ap. JC.
Diapositives 02-04. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M5, 351-354 ap. JC.
Diapositives 05- 06. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M8, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 07-08. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M9, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 09-10. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M10, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 11-12. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M11, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 13-14. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M12, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 15-16. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M13, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositives 17-18. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M14, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositive 19. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M15, 355-361 ap. JC.
Diapositive 20. Dharih 1984, C1.V-VI.M16, 355-361 ap. JC.

Feuillet 6

Diapositives 01-04. Dharih 1993, S6A, monnaie 351-361 ap. JC ?
Diapositives 05-07. Dharih 1993, S6A3. M1, monnaie 341-346 ap. JC ?
Diapositives 08-09. Dharih 1993, S6.A4.M1, monnaie 218-222 ap J.C.
Diapositives 10-13. Dharih 1993, S6.A13.M1, monnaie 276-282 ap J.C.
Diapositives 14-17. Dharih 1993, S6.A15.M1, monnaie 284-305 ap J.C.
Diapositive 18. Dharih 1993, S2.J1.M1, omeyyade éventuellement abbasside.
Diapositives 19-20. Dharih 1993, S.613.M2, 346-361 ap J.C.

Feuillet 7

Diapositive 01. Dharih 1993, S.613.M2, 346-361 ap J.C.
Diapositive 02. Dharih 1994, S7.H3.M1, monnaie D.
Diapositive 03. Dharih 1994, S7.H3.M1, monnaie R-Petra.
Diapositives 04-08. Dharih 1984, V1.A7.M1, monnaie IVe s.
Diapositives 09-10. Dharih 1984, V1.A7.M1, entre 317 et 320 ap. J.C.
Diapositives 11-12. Dharih 1985, V10.A9.M1, monnaie.
Diapositives 13-16. Dharih 1992, V12.C41 M2, 141 ap. JC.
Diapositives 17-18. Dharih 1985, V19.A7.M1.

Feuillet 1

Diapositive 1. Dharih 2001, DH01-S70v, bague bronze à chaton.
Diapositives 02-07. Dharih 2001, DH01-S70v, empreinte de bague.
Diapositive 08. Dharih 1984, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 2, bracelet n°1, 55.15.
Diapositive 09. Dharih 1984, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 2, bracelet n°1, détail, 55.16.
Diapositive 10. Dharih 1984, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 2, bracelet n°2, 55.17.
Diapositive 11. Dharih 1984, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 3, bracelet de jambe en bronze, 55.28.
Diapositive 12. Dharih 1984, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 3, pendentif en or.
Diapositive 13. Dharih 1984, cimetière, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 3, pendentif or, S5.14.
Diapositive 14. Dharih 1984, Cimetière, tombeau 1, fosse 2, loge 2, bracelet or, S5.14.
Diapositives 15-18. Dharih 1996, silex (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).
Diapositives 19-20. Dharih 1996, peson, pierre (auteur : Hugues Fontaine).

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